Monday, January 2, 2012

The Beginning

I was in the Nursing Program at my local college for quite a few months before this happened. Studying and stressing over clinicals. Couldn't eat much of anything and was getting bad stomach aches. Being the student that I was, I was reading through the Gastrointestinal section reading to see which one I could possibly have. I even at one point thought it was a problem with my ovaries.
But because I didn't want to miss days for clinical, I ignored it, treking on. For some reason, I wasn't doing well in clinicals, feeling listless and not putting my best effort into anything. Finally, I get sharp pains, I didn't think I could make it. It felt like something exploded inside my stomach. My mother took me to the emergency room in April 2011. They thought it was a burst cyst. This began a series of back and forth visits between my Primary and the Gynecologist's office since I wasn't feeling any better and I still had severe pain. Finally I told my Primary about my stress level and not being able to eat and he decided to send me to a GI doctor.
From there I had an EGD which basically is where they use a scope and view my intestines....They couldn't get very was a twisted rope. First time I saw the photos I had to do a double take. Basically this classified me as having Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This blog is basically for me to discuss my struggles and my triumphs with this as well as speak about other things that I am passionate about.

If you find this and love it great, if not, that's okay too. It's not for you, its for me.

Keep being beautiful.

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