Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Trigger

So far, I don't know exactly what my triggers are for IBS. I know the main one is definitely stress. Anything that stresses me out causes me to have severe stomach cramps and no appetite at all. Eating only because I know that I have to.
I think most likely its that lately I hold my tongue and don't let things out as much as I could. Maybe because I don't feel like dealing with the aftermath of it all. I'm the one who usually is cool with everything. Who is cool under pressure. The little trooper of the family. Even when things make me so mad I see red. So when the time comes for me to say what I need to about a situation, everyone is shocked, and maybe even appalled by what I have to say.
I'm also known as the 'yes girl' and when I finally say 'no' it shocks the daylights out of everyone.
I'm talking about this because it even happened today. Someone in my life wanted me to do something that could compromise who I am as a person. Well let me be literal. They asked me via text but I didn't have my phone on me at the time. When they didn't get a response they called me like 3 times. (Again, didn't have my phone on me) Then called my mother and told her that I needed to be ready and downstairs in 5 minutes. The next thing I remember is saying 'no' over and over again.
My mother asked me why I kept doing it. I told her that this person didn't know how to ask someone a simple question if it smacked them in the face. On top of that the person knew I wouldn't want to do it, so to ask my mother instead was underhanded and wrong. This person went on to say that I was such an unreliable person when in fact I'd been there for every issue she's ever had since we'd met.
By the time the whole thing calmed down. I had been sick to my stomach and nauseous for at least 3 hours. Then when I saw this person later they gave me the silent treatment or the milder form of a temper tantrum. By then I was too sick to care.

I'm hoping this will be one of the last rants I give about this person. This person is one of my main stressors. I just need to learn not to let them get to me, though this is hard since they are constantly in my life and practically unavoidable.

Anyway, have a blessed day and stay Beautifully You

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