Friday, January 6, 2012

Having a baby to try to keep/control a man

You've seen this if you've watched Madea's Big Happy Family. A guy has a baby with a girl, it doesn't work out between them, but she tries to control him through the child. I'm not talking about the girls who take the father of their child to child support court. I believe that even if he is helping to pay the expenses of the child to go to child support court so it's in writing and you two don't have to fight over how much he should pay.
The girl I'm talking about is the girl who withholds the father from seeing the child anytime he does something she doesn't like (i.e go out on a date with another girl). That is petty and low. You guys didn't work out for obvious reasons that you are choosing to ignore when you see him or hear about him with another girl. If he's taking care of the responsibilities towards you and towards the child and hasn't abused you/child physically or verbally, he has every right to see his kid and every right to date and move on if you aren't together.
You should do right by your child. Let them see their father. Let them see a healthy relationship between you and the child's father showing that even though you and the father couldn't stay together, you love your child enough to stay civil and not pit the child between you.
I've seen what happens when you do otherwise from watching my friends deal with their parents, from watching people I know in the dealings with their children's father/mother. All it does is create bitterness between you and the child's father, bitterness and hurt for the child involved once they are old enough to understand what is going on, and a block that if you don't work towards fixing it now, will get so big it might take forever to fix.

Love your kid enough to let the guy go. And don't let what happened between you and the guy impede on the relationship between your child and their father. There are plenty of children in this country who wish they had their father or with they had a good relationship with their father. Let it go. Do what's right.

Keep Being Beautiful

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