Friday, January 6, 2012

East Side Rapist's wife wants husband released.

For months a man went around Lake Eola raping women all over the area, causing fear in the hearts of women throughout the area. We finally catch him and oh look it's your husband. You didn't know, I'm sure if you did from the beginning we would have found out sooner but... My question for you is: Why would you want him out right now? Why shouldn't he serve his time?
Has he gotten help? Does he seem guilty? Has he apologized? No. So we're to let the victims seem even more upset because you want him to be home? He may not of hurt you, but he hurt others, drastically changed their lives and violated their person and their safety. Until he apologizes and gets help, does therapy for his psychotic behavior, possibly become chemically castrated, and is forgiven by the victims, he really shouldn't be out. He should serve a life sentence or at least 10 years of prison. And if I were the judge the only thing that would let me release him would be, letters from the victims themselves.
I believe in forgiveness and I believe in people changing but I don't believe that has happened yet. And I haven't seen changes in behavior, he still acts like this is no big deal. Just saying.

This is my opinion. You don't like it. Don't read it. And Keep positive please.

Keep being beautiful.


  1. I didn't know you had a blog, but i heard about this ! i agree entirely tho . no matter how much you love your husband, he raped a rather substantial amount of women . He needs to do his time . Because if he gets out this easily he'll just go back to doing it again .

    1. I wish some women wouldn't blindly follow a man. Zimmerman's Wife is a whole other case
